Below are links to separate pages. Please scroll down if needed, as there are dozens of pages. All photographs, graphics, animations, videos by Craig Johnson © 2005-2023.   HTML text by Joy & Craig Johnson.                                                  


Nest Cavity Height Range Chart of the Downy, Hairy, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Northern Flicker and Pileated Woodpecker.


Nictitating Membrane is basically a translucent, third eyelid that aids in cleaning and protecting the bird's eye lens.


Hyoid Apparatus allows the woodpecker's tongue to extend so far past the end of its bill.


Woodpecker's Tongue and the use of percussion are key in locating and capturing prey.


Woodpecker Hammering and what allows them to hit a hard surfaces with force and speed.


A "Conk" is a fungus growth on a tree and is an indicator that the tree has fungal heart rot.



Downy Woodpecker Distribution shows their approximate range over the North American continent, plus other information.


Downy Woodpecker Diet and Foraging This slide covers male and female plumage, foraging and diet.


Downy Woodpecker Nest Cavity The graphic illustrates what a Downy Woodpecker nest cavity might look like inside the tree.


Downy Woodpecker Vocalization



Hairy Woodpecker Distribution shows their approximate range over the North American continent, plus other information.


Hairy Woodpecker Nest Cavity The graphic illustrates what a Hairy Woodpecker nest cavity might look like inside the tree.


Hairy Woodpecker Juvenile  Slide shows a male Hairy Woodpecker nestling, juvenile and adult, discusses fledging/etc.


Hairy or Downy? It can be difficult for people beginning to ID these two species, unless seen together. More info on feet and legs.


Hairy Woodpecker Vocalization



Red-breasted Sapsucker Distribution shows approximate range over the North American continent, plus other information.


Red-breasted Sapsucker Nest Cavity The graphic illustrates what a RBSS nest cavity might look like inside the tree.


Red-breasted Sapsucker juvenal plumage, molting and other characteristics.


Red-breasted Sapsucker Diet and how the bird creates sap wells, plus additional feeding information.


Red-breasted Sapsuckers are also known to flycatch, especially during the breeding season.


Red-breasted Sapsucker Vocalization



Northern Flicker Distribution shows approximate range over the North American continent, plus other information.


Northern Flicker Foraging, more about diet, nesting and adults caring for juveniles.


Northern Flicker caring for plumage, which includes sunning, preening and anting.   


Northern Flicker Hybrids occur with many variations between the red-shafted and yellow-shafted varieties.


Northern Flicker Vocalization



Pileated Woodpecker Distribution shows the approximate range over the North American continent, plus other information.


Pileated Woodpecker, male & female plumage, pair bonding and defending territory.


Pileated Woodpecker Nest Excavation is done by the male and female, as is incubation/etc.   Nest Cavity Shape Graphic


Pileated Woodpecker Juveniles stay with the adults for considerably longer than the other four species listed above.


Pileated Woodpecker Vocalization


Woodpecker video



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